Mercury Retrograde Starts Now

It will last from January 21 to February 11 2015

What is Mercury Retrograde:

The planet Mercury, which usually circles our Earth, appears to be moving backwards for the next 3 weeks.

Had it explained to me like this once, found it helpful: think of Mercury like a ship travelling a course for 5 months, so to keep it moving it will sometimes need to restock and refuel, and that’s what the 3-week-long retrograde is: a gas stop.

How you’ll be affected:

Things feel awry and your brain feels fried. Electronics get messed up, backup your data! Communication breaks down and becomes messy, arguments happen easily. Don’t sign any documents or make big deals, and leave extra time for travel.

Re-examine aspects of your life, because helpful new perspectives can pop up.  Listen to your gut because intuition is high, and coincidences can be massive.

If you think this planet stuff doesn’t affect you, nope.

Blog tag = The Planets



Didn’t this Week Feel Crooked?

Like everything was off by 20º, everything out of step.

Except for Wednesday, which fell into place like a ballet. Yesterday was completely sideways, then my concentration went west around 2pm, and haven’t seen it since.

Part of this is because of the Mercury Retrograde, which ended today. Mercury Retrograde is OVER.

The Planets(for all my love of logic, I believe in the power of the planets.)

Maybe that’s what yesterday’s freak storm in Barrie came from, the one that caused a 100-car pileup?!  Did you see the animated gif on Buzzfeed? Click that, it’s nuts.

It’s 10:30 pm, I have 3 more emails to send, then we’re going to a Friday night beer & blog.


12:30 pm

kk finally made it.

The phone rang, and I laughed on it for a while. I talk on the phone a lot. I think it’s odd when people don’t.. blogged as much before.

Is it me, or did PhotoBooth photos get grainier.

Taking pictures with my toes.

Hoping this weekend I find a chunk of quiet blog-building time, my ‘About’ pages are all still blank, I’m 4 videos and 1 million columns behind, and the joke is over on LinkedIn, but that alone is an afternoon…

Next week’s car is a minivan YA buddy, I’m a fan, my next review is about the Caravan, actually. It’s a Town & Country this week. Next week’s column is about armoured cars.

kk my laptop battery is about to die, I’ll mass-update my Instagram feed this weekend (that’s the list), and embed the highlights below.

TTY then xo Keri

Just cheersed you.