I was So So So So So So So SOOOO Lucky

That’s my keyless entry fob, so luckily jammed into the trunk lid.

I found it after driving ohhh 10 km at 80 km/h. I’d broken my routine and placed it atop the roof, instead of in the cup holder, and the one time I break habit…

Imagine if it’d flown off? I’d have not known until the car ground to a halt. Then a sad walk backwards looking for the thing, then comes the worst part: calling Honda, “hi I’m a bonehead and your car is stuck here now…”

*wipes forehead*



Sharing some Driving Tricks, Part 2

From how keyless entry fobs contain a key, to hiding the pink slip and never programming the navigation with your actual address under “home” (a thief then knows where it is, and where you’re not.)

Thanks this week to contributors Paul and Brian!

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

Use the passenger seat heater to keep your takeout warm. Prop the pizza box up on a can, now the box will sit flat on a seat that is not.


Sharing some Driving Tricks, Part 1here


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