What 1 Google Search Reveals

1 – where you’re visiting
2 – on which browser
3 – date and time

#3 reveals the most information.  Because 1 visit to 1 website, meh. But the patterns that emerge from watching someone’s traffic can reveal a lot.


– multiple daily visits to the same Facebook page = the person is obsessed with someone

– repeat visits to Tumblrs featuring X type of content = the person has a fixation for X

– visits to websites detailing how to covertly do X = the person potentially has nefarious plans to execute X attack

* – that’s the cookie / tracking code that follows you around the internet, monitoring where you’re going


The above photo was taken during December’s TASK meeting (Toronto Area Security Klatch), specifically during Lee Brotherston talk about his ISP deliberately MiTM’ing his connection.

The ending was the best part, because it was so refreshingly honest. Here’s his slide deck.



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