I’m like a Squatter with a Mortgage

It’s 2 months now, July 25, that I’ve been living like this.

You know how much I like order and clean, remember my minimalist, pure-white condo?

My office looks like that, it’s the only room that’s finished. Figured I should focus on the part that pays the mortgage.

But like, Friday I worked from it… while a guy worked with a sawzal in my den.

Living like this is reeking havoc on my mind.

Squatter with Mortgage

The “To-Do” List never shrinks, and there’s a new urgency to it, the “Before the Snow Comes” List…

… I travel a lot and used up my newspaper vacation time for Targa… to go from 1 bill a month to 20 woah… next up is learning everything about hot water tanks and softeners…. if I don’t soon gravel my driveway it’s going to become “press car mud pit of despair”, and wow this home-owning thing is a steep learning curve. 

Look at the deplorable condition of my floors * But here comes another trade through, what is even the point anymore.

Finally this weekend I escaped the air mattress though, into a real bed.

And I have a ceiling again.

Had to cut the kitchen apart to insulate the attic, that was Phase 1 of winterizing-the-cottage-I-bought. Drywall dust gets into eeeeeverywhere eh.

The purple stuff: that’s the insulation! It’s spray-foam, so cool, weighs nothing, is highly effective, and helps increase the structural rigidity of a house, even.

Blog tag = house



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