Things From This Tuesday

I found a place to live YA buddy.

Tweeted this:

There’s a market for: furnished apartment / condos on short term leases in downtown Toronto, which are geared toward the individual, not a corporation.  You could make an alright dollar in that game.

I cut it close, and homeless-in-6-days comes with some heaviness.  This nomad-lifestyle will take a bit ironing out, to find a system… but for now I’m good till the end of the year YES.

I’ll probably lalala at the camera about this.  I’ve been composing the episode, “So I Gave Away All My Stuff”.


See text.

Got my toes done.

Chose the purple, which I was told is the colour of the Vietnamese ‘Clock Flower’, a special little guy that opens in the morning, then closes at night.

The tinfoil was intended to protect the polish during my walk home in sneakers, but don’t do it, it flakes into tiny bits, only agree to saran wrap for this.

Filming this past weekend.

Really was having some sad moments of missing the studio.

I’m being outsmarted by my dishwasher (can’t turn it on?), and I mass-updated my I Am Not a Hippie blog.

Kay TTYL, have a great night!!

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