Hi From a Clean Computing Enviroment

One of my top 3 favourite feelings.

Wiped both my laptop and phone today. Well actually, my phone was so screwed it had to be replaced, wouldn’t even connect to the Genius Bar computer. It’s been a tumultuous few weeks (more on my stalking problem here).

The hard, hyper-focused stuff is done, now I’m on a patio rebuilding my phone. I should do this process on camera, share my methods.

Because not just from the security side, but like, after you wipe them, your phone and computer will run infinitely better. You don’t need a new one, you need to take better care of the one you have. It’s like never putting oil in a car, then complaining it drives poorly.

Encouraging you to change your passwords this weekend, the feeling after is great.

Have a good one TTY Monday.



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