Drove 400 km and Went to a Party Today

Not all to get to a party though.  Half the kms were uneventful errands and places.

Saw this sign which is now a header. I’m on a header roll these days eh.

The party was in celebration of Cohn & Wolfe’s 25th Anniversary.

Congratulations guys! 25 PHFT

A great grin.

You’ve met everyone here except Stephanie Wallcraft, whose stuff you should be reading.

Auto-journlists are magnets.

While cropping the bottom photobomb, the mouse was shaking from lol; Tim never change.

In the photo above Tim’s head, that’s my Targa team!

Targa… how to explain it… Targa is just ridiculous hi Keri, come drive fast as possible through this 300-year old town, we roped it off into a course that looks like a video game, and took care of the cops, green light go. Thank you Nissan!

Blogged daily while competing, here, Michel is the best teammate.

Thanks for having me tonight C&W, here’s to another 25!

And to you, night TTYT it’s accidentally almost midnight, so the end.



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