The Mazda Adventure Rally Day 1 – TN & GA

Ended up in Tennessee, and the Mazda MX-5, aka, Miata. Manual too YES.

First time my name has been on a car!

About 8 minutes into the first leg, and it started raining really really bad.

Trees were felled all over.

Yellow-shirt guy came out of nowhere with a chainsaw, and fixed it.

It was a short day, 3 hours on the road. Tomorrow will be more like 12.

On roads like this, too. Hairpin hairpin hairpin through forests and back roads. I’ll make a video.

Those are gravel roads too, which I didn’t know the Miata was suited so well for.

Took it easy though, I’m wiped. Only fools drive fast tired.

Just out-of-frame is the chicken coop.


I love it down here, saw “Tank City”, endless automatic weapon billboards, and what a fun place to visit, but oh Canada.

Ended up in Georgia, then dinner, then wrote the first instalment of this adventure for Autonet, look for that tomorrow morning, and gotta be ready at 7am and I’m so wiped I’m seeing spots.

Night TTYT


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