It Only Appeared Impulsive

This is my new watch.

Saw it and 3 minutes later owned it. But I’ve been researching it for two years.

Another Casio. It’s completely matte, even the buckle. The display is subtle and correct in colour and brightness. Nice bit of gucci kit.

I have their first ever camera watch, I’ll link it up when I’m on my big computer, because this is from my Blackberry.

I think Blackberry posts look kinda messy, but remember when I said months ago, to be less rigid and structured with this new blog, and before I knew it I had 34 totally disassociated videos, not bad eh! The kids still got it. Now to blog more from my phone.

Its been so great posting whatever I feel like without that cohesive theme, like I talked about in that first KeriBlog video… it was sometimes tough goings over at Canadian Explorer… always needing to introduce something new and cooly Canadian in all posts, videos, everything… balancing my Twitter feed between stuff about Canada and me… because that’s how it always was: Canada first, Keri second.

Have a great weekend, I’m going to visit some people and will send pics.

xo Keri

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