Every year, I embed the same video.
And I go around saying this all day, every year.
Here’s to a wonderful day!
May all your dreams come true
xo Keri
Smarten Up, Internet (the security side of this blog), sponsored a screening of the hacker movie, Reboot, Saturday night of Hack3rCon 2012 Charleston, West Virginia. How’s that for an SEO-friendly sentence.
Set within a dystopian world that is a collision between technology and humanity, “Reboot” touches upon many of the current social and political concerns that arise from becoming more and more intertwined with the virtual.
In contemporary Los Angeles, a young female hacker (Stat) awakens from unconsciousness to find an iPhone glued to her hand and a mysterious countdown ticking away on the display. Suffering from head trauma, and with little recollection of who she is or what is happening, Stat races against time to figure out what the code means, and what unknown event the pending zero-hour will bring.
It’s beautifully shot, a great premise, some of the Metasploit is sloppy, I heard it was a Kickstarter project, and the video editor in me would have reduced it down, but the beginning is really good. If you watch only that part, do, it’ll make you think.
Click here for future screenings.
A tall, beefy person could fit comfortably in the front seat. Next time you walk by one, look at its height.
The back seat is large; here’s a full-sized stool I brought home.
See how much height there still is? Also see how the back seats is a bench that folds away. A lot can be squished into a Fit.
But it’s still small enough, that you can go places an SUV could not.
It’s a small car, but it’s not. Honda Fit
I don’t get it. And dumb. This was a treat.
I like to park somewhere, push back the seat and daydream, people watch or read.
For a sense of what my day will be like, read my posts, This is BlackHat Security Conference 2012 and Apple’s First Ever Talk at Black Hat,
You might enjoy my ‘DefCon 19 Interview Series‘, and click here for all security blog stuff in one place.
See you at the conference!
The Black Hat Briefings – the world’s largest computer security conference. In its 15th year, it’s held each year in Vegas at the end of July.
Me and my press badge. Proud.
Same as when I attended last year – it’s bad manners to wave your camera about. This conference attracts all kinds.
There are briefings and trainings. Not much point to me attending the latter, I’d be so lost, the biggest brains give these. The briefings are very interesting though, here’s my report on Apple’s first ever talk, where not enough went over my head.
I listened to cyberpunk author Neil Stephenson interviewed by Brian Krebs, who is awesome. If you ever are stuck for security help check his site.
Neil’s book ‘Reamde’ is a neat premise: a virus is unleashed through a popular online game that encrypts the player’s hard drive, and holds it for ransom.
See the yellow * above? I joined the taxi line, oh wait it’s Neil, hi great talk! Know we know he has duct tape on his old-school phone, which he keeps in a pocket I’m not sure is the most secure place.
It’s okay to take photos here, this is the other half of Black Hat – the vendor area.
All the top security merchants selling their wares.
I did the same thing I did last year: started in the far corner and walked up and down every aisle, every booth. This stuff isn’t for us though, it’s for enterprises and large corporations.
Thanks for a great time Black Hat, see ya next year!