I’m cleaning off my cel, saw this and thought:
I’m getting old if I’m taking photos like this.
Mafiaboy – A Portrait of the Hacker as a Young Man
by Michael Calce
with Craig Silverman
In 2000 the hacker Mafiaboy brought down eBay, CNN, Amazon, Dell, E*TRADE and Yahoo!. Woah, I know. Big deal legal ramifications ensued, he’s totally white hat now, really great story.
Here’s the book’s website and here’s the Amazon link.
The @ symbol was used all the way back then 10+ years ago, preceding your name just like today: @KeriBlog
I’m kinda amazed that DDoS attacks are still the most effective, after all this time… but when I think more about it ,makes complete sense, but isn’t that funny in itself? All that advancement and still one of original tricks is the best.
Did you know Estonia is VERY wired, and the government declared internet a human right.
Just finished this book tonight.
I’ve got a list here of Just a Minute videos to do about online safety. Note the word safety, not security. I’m not an expert. Do not take my word for it, look it up.
Your online security is only as good as you make it.
It’s a big internet out there!
Change your passwords… because when was the last time you did?
Here’s a video about that.
Think I’m going to start writing in bold more. I think I’ll start with this post.
Had a great weekend. Went to a favourite bar Friday, The Barking Fish, which I’ve mentioned I’m trying to rank in Google for. 58 Beech Avenue Cambridge, Ontario 519-658-4451
That’s Tammy, who you should tip well because she’s awesome.
Woke up in suburbia yesterday, which I like because like, I do not own a shovel. Garbage day is every day. It’s different.
Went walking in the afternoon and dinner out, hung out with the girls, and didn’t touch my computer or phone last night once, it was nice.
Picked up these in a vintage shop… Stella McCartney for Adidas with the tags still on, in my colour for $17 come ON.
I always forget how much I’m online until I’m around places and people who aren’t at all as much, this usually happens outside the tech city bubble I live in. I have a Just a Minute video coming together in my head about that.
Have been really liking wearing a watch again, it’s been years.
Did music reasearch for the next video I’m going to edit, ‘The Imperical Sand Dunes of Star Wars‘ (working title). If you don’t edit you may not know that music for your videos is a real pain, because it has to be royalty free, which is not free, and YouTube music fingerprints everything it uploads, you have to be careful.
Been making lots of notes for my upcoming speech. Still leaning towards no slides.
Also this week I submitted a word to Urban Dictionary, “Gigilala” click here, and I stumped Scribblenauts with the word ‘blog’, and that’s my new profile picture.
Sunday cleaning included re-adhering my front hall mat, ha – This is My Hack.
Night walk.