5 months without a car, longest stretch in a decade+, and it was really getting to me. Genuinely, it was making me down.
Then two weeks ago when I was on a roof looking out, and it hit me, “I can’t get to any of that”. And I’m used to being able to get to that, designed my life around being able to get to that, you know?
Check out the keyed entry.
The odometer readout is more for me than you, to document. Miles though, funny eh… The Canadian Explorer drove an American car, shhhhh.
I can’t turn on radio though, I’m being defeated by the anti-theft system.
You can’t see the display to enter the code to turn on the radio. It’s my new game: you get two tries then it locks for an hour. It’s possible this is impossible to win, because the radio might no longer works. Half the windows don’t go down. No one knows.
Funny I posted the radio security code online eh, not for the first time either. Security is relative.
Driving home.
This happy face is brought to you by Claus of Frontenac AutoBody in Kingston, Ontario.
Remember when it all started, my car broke down and I left it under a cel tower in Kingston?
I got news last week Claus and his gang had been tinkering, and YES got it up and running again YES Claus YES Frontenac AutoBody. And another YES to you for not having a website, and making me link to the YellowPages ahaha for real.
Their specialty is making high-end cars in wrecks, look like they never were. As well as Extreme Studio Maintenance. Actually, if you smashed your pretty car here in Toronto, I’d flat bed it here.
For those of you just meeting me, ‘The Studio’ is my car, which was an integral part of my show, The Canadian Explorer, which I will explain further here, in song.
In late November and December, whenever possible, I cut through the Eaton Centre to walk past the Swarovski tree.
It’s 7 stories tall, covered in crystals, and it spins.
The bows and red balls are new this year. I’m curious to know the reaction, usually it’s only crystals. Being a minimalist, I like the latter.
I also like their sunglasses, which I didn’t even know that they make sunglasses, learned that a few weeks ago at an event.
Oh hi hi.
At that same event I met Christine in real life… in 2009 we’d both entered a contest to win a trip to the Olympics.
At that time, she was a student and I was ‘The Canadian Explorer’. Then out of school and tada, she’s working for a top PR firm, nicely done missy!!
The Contest: they were looking for mobile explorers (I know come ON), so you had to create an original video showcasing your blogging and social media skills, and the 5 entries with the most votes were sent to cover Vancouver 2010.
This was my entry.
Remember when we all had Olympic fever? The excitement and camaraderie and patriotism? Awesome.
And remember when Canada threw ‘The Party Olympics’ while SIMULTANEOUSLY winning more Gold medals in the history of all time?
If you are on Twitter and live in Southern Ontario, come!
It’s the holiday season’s classiest event, and it raises money for an important cause: feeding hungry Toronto people, because charity starts at home.
(photo by hyfen)
Founded in 2008, HoHoTO has been called, “the party that Twitter built”, it’s closing in on $200 000 raised for the Daily Food Bank, and is run completely by volunteers on a budget of nothing.
Queen Rania of Jordan has even used HoHoTO as a shining example of social media influencing online do-gooding. So cool eh.
Here’s my Twitvid from last year inside the party, which is dark, but you can just feel the fun.
Come ready to buy raffle tickets and donate heavily, make sure to have your photo taken by Photojunkie, cabs home you know the drill, and don’t be shy… this is always the kind of crowd who’ve all been in that boat…. “hi, I know you from Twitter and the internet…”, say hi!
Me last year:
follow along on Twitter @hohoTO
Thursday December 15, 8pm
at The Mod Club
benefiting the Daily Food Bank
Here’s a relational chart I made using the search “hohoTO”, for fun.
(click on it to zoom, get more info, drag stuff you’ll figure it out)
See you Thursday!