70% of The Weekend I Looked Like This

While looking at this:

Non-nerds – you’re looking at a brand-new, pristine WordPress site. I’m going to port KeriBlog over when I’m finished building it. Comments will work again, one analytics log-in instead of 5, ONE SIDEBAR oh guys, so happy.

The red AI – that’s After the Deadline: an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker.  Check the * box to be warned when your writing is too passive. Seriously.  While in Washington in January, I met one of the developers who wrote it; he was funny.

And I’m repeating myself, but AI and mind control and thought-power, it’s coming. It’s closer than you think. This huge shift of the last 5 years when the world got online, it’s nothing compared to what’s around the corner.

The other 30% of this weekend I looked like this.

Friday night.

People-watching with a beer on a street is one of my favourite things.

Saturday night.


Found this awesome FinalCut filter.

This week’s flowers.

They smell like cloves. If your home smells like fresh flowers, that’s classy.

Here’s to a great start to your week, go kill it!

See you online.



Change Your Yahoo Password Right Now

Yahoo! had a major security breach yesterday.  

An estimated 450,000 passwords were stolen.  

The passwords were stored on Yahoo!’s servers in plaintext, meaning, not encrypted, could have been kept safer.  Expect Yahoo! to take some heat for that, which is good, because doing that is dumb.

Some outlets are reporting 100,000+ Gmail, 50,000+ Hotmail accounts, and more were part of the stolen data.  Others are saying the accounts are old, only 5% are in use.

Sucuri Labs has created a way to check if your email was affected, click here.

I recommend you change your password regardless;

it’s doubtful we’re getting the whole story.

Remember too, Flickr and Yahoo are the same thing.

Further reading:

