Just a Minute – My 2012 Prediction

The short answer – 2012 will be the year that mind control begins.

Roll your eyes, it’s coming for you.

The toy I’m talking about is the “Mindflex“, see it below. Dying to try it.

Indeed I do feel strongly about this… isn’t the first time I’ve blogged this prediction of mine, click here for a blog post over at my show, and here for when I talked in a video about the Canadian! company InteraXon.

Specializing in “thought controlled computing”, they invited people at the Olympics to control a large scale light installation with their minds, come ON.

Unfortunately I never made it to the pavilion to give it a shot. Because in my imagination my concentration knows no bounds and I make the lights explode with my miiiiiiind.

Just a Minute – What Video Editing Looks Like

It’s really coming along, and I cannot WAIT to show you this one… some of my best work yet.

Here’s the other part of what video editing looks like… a LOT of files:

My computer’s Finders keep crashing (both in the last 10 hours).

Below is the Final Cut file for the above video, ha.

You know when that happens… when like, everything accidentally lines up perfectly, your fingers freeze over the keys, you slowly go Command-S, back away from the keyboard, hands over head.

Just a Minute – The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

My theory on the meaning behind the old saying, “the meek shall inherit the earth”.

Unrelated: I don’t know why YouTube has started cutting off the end of my videos f-ck, but if you do please advise.

EDIT Jan 25 – I figured out how to stop that – add a 3 sec slug to the end, then you win.

PS while I’m here… points for such a ridiculously over dramatic video still can I get a whatwhat

Just a Minute – No More Studio

Ahhh the studio, such good memories. Hi from Cherry Beach, love it here. I come here frequently and have for a long time.

There’s a punk bank who wrote a song about here, Career Suicide’s song Cherry Beach. And do you know what a Cherry Beach Express is?   I know, right?!  I’ve blogged about it before, on this day.  There’s even a song about it by The Pukka Orchestra, here’s the YouTube link. It was a Canadian chart hit in 1984, ha.

Sorry about how it’s hard to make out all my words here, being sick makes it hard to annunciate.

For those just meeting me, “my studio is my caaaaar” was a line I sung in my intro to my show.  See below for that.