@NissanCanada tags their tweets #NissanLove
Here’s the Twitter search.
Neat eh, different.
I’m not sure if all Lotus keys are like this, I saw it walking by a valet stand.
(photo from their FB page)
They’re tiny tiny, a enormous engine in a small light frame, ridiculously fast. I’ve heard they’re almost go-karty, I’ve not driven one.
Statistically, the most hazardous road conditions are the 2 weeks around Christmas.
Why? Rural drivers on urban roads, aggression, scattered minds and so much late braking.
I’m sure outside the car these are all nice people, but as drivers they terrify me. Everyone gets an extra wide berth from me, my gift to all.
If you need a ride, or you need someone to drive your car home, Operation Red Nose does a good job in 7 provinces. It’s confidential, free, and no judging – OperationRedNose.com
They’re volunteers, 100% of tips go to charity, look for their red vests.
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Starting at – $39,898
This one – $51,648
Clean interior styling, woodgrain touches class it up, and the backseat is giant; 2 huge men can fit easy.
A Titan will fit in underground parking lot, but it’s tight.
Bottom left – I loved that long narrow area, to shove 8.5 x 11″ papers into, handy.
It happened so naturally.
Being the largest thing on the road was great.