Because notice it?
But, while keeping the lines of the bike pure, this is illegal.
If you ask bike owners who do this, 98% of the time, the answer back will be, “you don’t stop”. Then I’d guess about 45% of those actually would.
Gone are the days of the Pacers and K-cars. No matter which make & model you choose today, you can’t really buy a “bad car.”
Be mindful of these 3 points, and spend the majority of your budget on the engine – the thing that makes a car a car. The rest is styling.
Read it online at
What it comes down to is the styling of the car, and I (or any other auto journalist) can’t tell you what to like; only you can know that.
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Read in online at
For this week’s column, I wrote about a new type of website – don’t like how someone is driving? Take a photo of their licence plate and car, upload it to one of these websites, and broadcast what you think for all the world to see.
This is dirty, and really, who are you to judge?
From a distance, someone driving to the hospital while under medical duress, might appear the same as a drunk driver. Not linking to those sites.
All so you can what, be a tattle-tale? A budget vigilante?
2 of my favourite internet lines – ‘the internet is forever’ & ‘Google never forgets’
I was in Oregon with Acura when this printed, so being 3 hours behind I woke up to discover this column was a topic on the radio show AM 640!
(non-Toronto people, this is one of the most popular talk-radio shows)
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I’ve blogged before my view on rims.
Short answer – works best when you own 2 cars.