Yesterday I could NOT get it together.
I read, daydreamed, laughed over lunch and that’s it.
Despite the lack of posts here, I spent the weekend working. Sunday I had an appointment at Apple to have my cracked screen and took the moment to wipe my entire computing environment.
Ever done that? It’s a good idea to do regularly, same as how a car should be sent in for routine maintenance.
Big undertaking though.
At the very least change your bank / email / Facebook passwords this week, because when was the last time you did?
I’m en route downtown on a bus. Going to meet those behind my new writing job. How old school of me eh, wanting to physically shake a hand.
Send get better vibes, been fighting a fever since last week and it’s starting to win.
xo Keri
Not feeling right today, fell asleep on my desk earlier, and just wrote the same sentence for minutes straight. Been fighting a fever for about a year now, some days it wins more than others, like now.
In the past 48 hours:
– my blog has sustained a a brute force attack, and something’s wrong with it now, because when I logged in from my phone it said the database was missing;
– my cel phone account password has been changed (shows who I call, text, uh-huh);
– someone’s trying to lure me into the country via a Craigslist ad.
That’s just the highlight reel, I’ve got 8 years of these stories. 4-star US generals friending me on Skype. A POF account created to my unpublished email, with 25 private messages sent from the same guy. Then, when it bleeds into real life….
Basically, someone(s) has a file with my name on it, and dedicates their time to screwing with my life. And there’s a good chance that someone has embedded themselves into my life as a friend, when they are the polar opposite.
This marks the 1st time I’ve ever blogged about it.
I never say anything, because why, what are you going to do about it? Nothing can be done. Eat the PTSD, move forward. It’s starting to get to me though. Took 8 years though, not bad eh. But I don’t think it’s good for a girl to be this tough.
Shutting it down. Here come the nightmares. Once I woke myself up screaming, “stop triangulating me!” ha, eloquent and precise, even under duress. Night.
Just been mouth-breathing around, you haven’t missed much.
Still riding out the bi-annual fever here. Didn’t even write the news yesterday, maybe the 3rd time I’ve ever not. Next week’s column won’t be getting a * beside it on the index page.
Kept kicking to the end, and before I went down Friday night, I managed to be up 140% at the casino, and win at pool (but barely, good game, 3-3 and down to the 8). Then I fell on my face and slept until Sunday, an 18 hour run. Whatever you hear going about this flu going around, believe it.
Nothing huge happening this week, lots of little meetings, dinners and email, but no big events.
Next week we’re off to Kentucky with Chrysler, and their 2014 200 sedan. And booked a Hyundai trip today, end of April in BC with their 2014 Genesis.
It’s been so boring I don’t even have any photos to embed below, so here’s a total lazy blog move, and another screenshot from the below gif TTYT
Been sleeping for 14 hours. I came-to mid afternoon.
Totally screwed my schedule (sorry for lack up updates here), but it’s better really a fever always, which makes me get so dumb, here’s me after what was the worst fever of maybe my life, there’s some good bad photos of me bottom of the post. These sentences I am writing are horrible.
Gonna rinse and repeat tonight, focus my mind on visualizing waking up normal TTYT
Have a good start to your weekend!
xo Keri