Here’s the car. Me in the car. Me singing in the car.
Stella party details here.
Come along on a tour inside DefCon19.
Go sign up for Keek.
Here’s the CNE site. Below is when I went a couple years ago.
I’m not being dramatic like, “ooooo the planets must’ve aligned, Billy, you’re on time”.
In May 2011, six of them lined up, visible from Earth with a naked eye, look:
(image via
Do you even know how rare this is?
For most of May they stayed in line along the path the sun travels each day.
Because this planet configuration was predicted by the Mayans to occur… December 21 2012.
Yup, the infamous 2012 theory. Astronomers say no such alignment will occur next year.
Basically the Mayans were 19 months off in their calculations, but when considering they did them thousands of years ago, I’d call that pretty close.
Think this news is all fringe, and maybe you’re rolling your eyes? Time Magazine wrote about it.
I’ll leave you with this:
My 2012 Prediction – Thought Controlled Computing Begins (Declared Feb 1 2011)
PS – Want more proof I’m not alone? InterXon, the world’s leader in thought-controlled computing (and a Canadian company), is a headline keynote at Canada’s largest media conference this week, the Banff World Media Festival.
Tuesday Ford invited me to test drive their 2012 Ford Focus for a day via a car rally.
They partnered us each up, that’s my awesome cohort Ryan Durrell in brown.
(photo by Morsel Photography Hi Jerry! Look I stole more of your photos!)
The day kicked off with Ford saying, “here, go run our car through that slalem course, hard as you can”. Oh reallllly?!?! I got this.
I made that thing fly, and below is me standing on the brakes, and tada, cones are prefectly intact. I told them I was surprised how well it took the corners. Torque vectoring FTW.
Remember that time I did advanced driving school? Exploring a Race Car (video)
Each team was given an iPod Touch to film their experiences, and then Ford handed us our footage from the day on a USB key. So sorry for the poor audio.
Have you ever edited iPod or iPhone footage? Ugh. All that tall footage is tough to work with. And I don’t get it, why wouldn’t Final Cut talk better with .movs? Anyway.
How many horse power? Would you like a cupcake?
I learned that a horse is 14.3 hands high, anything smaller is considered a pony.
We stopped by the Canadian Car Museum , so many nice cars. I will never call them whips :|
Here’s Lauren and I, ha.
Interesting fact – the Focus is 85% of each pound of material used to build the car is recycled material.
Then I gave a little lecture.
Thanks for a great day, Ford!
If you ever need me to test another car on a track, I can do that!
All. Day. Long.
The short answer – 2012 will be the year that mind control begins.
Roll your eyes, it’s coming for you.
The toy I’m talking about is the “Mindflex“, see it below. Dying to try it.
Indeed I do feel strongly about this… isn’t the first time I’ve blogged this prediction of mine, click here for a blog post over at my show, and here for when I talked in a video about the Canadian! company InteraXon.
Specializing in “thought controlled computing”, they invited people at the Olympics to control a large scale light installation with their minds, come ON.
Unfortunately I never made it to the pavilion to give it a shot. Because in my imagination my concentration knows no bounds and I make the lights explode with my miiiiiiind.