No dramatics; since Sunday night almost straight through till now. Needed it. I feel like my normal self again.
I didn’t spend all week partying, and still Vegas sucks it out of you. It’s over-the-top over-stimulating. I bet if you lived there, your life would pass by far too fast.
Like my new jogging pants? I went with a lighter grey this time.
– Black Hat & DefCon
– finding silence in Vegas
– Apple’s first ever talk at Black Hat / iOS Security
– my trip to Vegas – includes GPS map of my Saturday night that’s awesome
Hope it was a good Tuesday, TTYT!
Honda Indy Toronto kindly sent me tickets again this year (click here and here for last years posts).
First, the press conference.
I got to thinking, these racers, sure they’re all very good behind the wheel, but they have to be equally as good in front of a camera, because it seems much of their job is presenting well.
Like racer Simon Pagenaud.
This was inside Honda’s paddock, where I was as close to an Indy car as you can get.
They asked us not to take photos of the engine, knowing their competition would be zooming in on our photos looking, searching – corporate espionage.
Official Indy car tools.
On the tour we were able to visit the pits, come ON.
That’s where I met Arie Lyendyk, 2 time winner of the Indianapolis 500.
If there’s anyone who should be made into an animated gif, it’s Arie. Bet he’d be fun to have a drink with, you could tell it would be jokes.
I attended the race both days.
I will never, ever tire of the sound of the engines. Maybe the best part.
And while on this topic: to all the hippies who put down the Indy… guys, where do you think the technology comes from for your green, eco-friendly vehicles?
Here guys, it comes from races like this; they test technology on the track, which filters down into cars for normal people.
(I’m talking about the Honda Civic Si HFPs, watch me drive one on a track here)
Oh guys, you need to obscure your WiFi names next time.
One of the strangest thing was the absence of a checkered flag. Except for the official guy waving one, they are nowhere to be found.
I put out a serious effort, too. All I found was this scrappy piece wrapped around the base of a sunglasses-for-sale stand.
I think I’ve uncovered a little mystery here!
I wonder if I’ll be emailed, “please remove that checkered flag image”. We’re going to find out, because above is the new header for
The race concluded with a crash.
Thanks for a great time, Honda, and congratulations on your best-selling Indy in years!
If we’re just meeting, I’m president of a cycling team, and we race in the OCA – Ontario Cycling Association.
See the red logo on the shoulders? That’s my internet show, The Canadian Explorer.
2007-10 I travelled around Canada celebrating it (do more of that, okay), documented it all in 80 episodes, they were some of the best years I ever had. The site is a mess, but if you’re willing to wade around there’s some entertaining stuff over there.
Other teams have tents and buses, many are 30+ members strong.
Who’s with me?
Click here for all cycling posts, and here’s a great post to meet the team, there’s two videos.
One of my favourite things about a race: the mobile command centre.
Another favourite part:
What a great way to mark time. You know how I feel about time.
My least favourite part.
They race for 90 minutes, so sometimes you have to feed them.
They grab the bottle at 30km/h, and if you screw up they cramp up, lose, and you are a bad president.
(note: if you ever meet someone who did this race, be impressed; that hill is gruesome)
$60 million in cars displayed on Bloor Street.
The Aston Martins were my favourite.