Send it here xo
157 Adelaide Street West
Suite #352
Toronto Ontario
M5H 4E7
This is me right now, pretty useless on all fronts.
Think it’s from stopping, taking time off. I’m not convinced the energy gained during the downtime is greater than the energy expended to start the machine back up.
As in – just keep working. And know who lives the longest? The people who never stop working, those guys live to like, 90.
Dinner out tonight, where we put the world to rights and I jacknife laughed twice.
Tomorrow is Deadline Friday so back to that, have a good Thursday night, best night of the week!
PS – as I was typing this I got drunk dialled YES I love getting drunk dialled, see – Thursday nights…
For the first time in history, the military permitted the public to purchase a Humvee.
The actual name is HMMWV – High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, pronounced “Humvee”.
There were 25 vehicles up for auction, with the lot netting $744,000.
These Humvees are not road-legal, and can be used only for off-roading.
They ranged in years from 1987 to 1995, and required no further de-militarization.
The average sale price – $30,000
The lowest sale price – $21,500
The highest sale price – $41,000
Still coated in war dust.
Wrote about it for the paper, read it here.
(all photos via