No tattoos.
Not only such a scarcity in the sport, but scarce in life. These two were Saturday’s headline fight, is there a correlation there…
Aside – I have zero tattoos.
The words are synonymous:
I prefer the term “convertible” because that’s the one in our lexicon.
Plus, it seems a bit fancy-for-fancy’s-sake, like saying “what’s your SSID?” instead of “what’s your WiFi name”… like that.
Longer passwords are better, but why? 2 reasons.
1st – this mathematical formula:
2nd – that a password guessing script can make 25 billion guesses, per second.
The password – kerio – uses only lower case alphabetical characters, of which there are 26.
So our formula is: 265 = 11 billion = cracked in 0.5 seconds
Here’s a proper, 25-digit password: “)pCdjAL’x*^KgV3XE!x*w!1P
It uses lower case letters (26), upper case (26), numbers (10), and symbols (32) = 9425 = 2.1291014e+49 = cracked in weeks = attacker likely moves onto an easier target
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