Just a Minute – My 2012 Prediction

The short answer – 2012 will be the year that mind control begins.

Roll your eyes, it’s coming for you.

The toy I’m talking about is the “Mindflex“, see it below. Dying to try it.

Indeed I do feel strongly about this… isn’t the first time I’ve blogged this prediction of mine, click here for a blog post over at my show, and here for when I talked in a video about the Canadian! company InteraXon.

Specializing in “thought controlled computing”, they invited people at the Olympics to control a large scale light installation with their minds, come ON.

Unfortunately I never made it to the pavilion to give it a shot. Because in my imagination my concentration knows no bounds and I make the lights explode with my miiiiiiind.

Quick Update


Sorry for the black hole here… been having big computer issues (Finder crashing level) and a little real life interference is all.

Have a great weekend, talk to you Monday! xo Keri