I Love the Barking Fish Cafe in Cambridge ON*

It’s a special place, and I’ve only ever had a good time. Kay a really good kinda hazy time.

The people are non-judgy fun and the place just let’s you be you… and if you wanna get into some horseplay by the pinball machine after a game of pool, they’re like, unaffected. And if a old friend appears, who just got a big promotion you’d been cheering on, the Fish doesn’t care when you get rowdy because you’re so excited.

You’ll end up with only two grainy photos because you’re too busy having fun to take any, and know how I know it’s a good place? I left my purse unattended on the table, something I never do.

It’s a terrific spot… so if you go, don’t be a douche.

The Barking Fish Cafe
58 Beech Avenue
Cambridge, Ontario
N3C 1X5

* part of the reason I’m doing this post is because there is nothing online for the Barking Fish, so I’m trying to rank in Google for it, because that’s funny.

I’ve Had a Cel for 13 Years

Bought a new one last week, another Blackberry Bold 9870.

Here’s my history since the beginning.

I miss the flip action. That StarTAC flipped close AMAZING, and you bet I wore that belt clip like a boss.

(there’s one missing above, between the two flips on the left, a Motorola V60 )

Maybe I’ll make a video, “My Electronics History”… because look, I have endless amounts of this stuff:

That’s a Sharp IQ-7200 from 1989, and my very first organizer.  See that?  64kb.

I should put some batteries in, see what kind of dossiers little-me had going on back then.

I’ve had a Mac for 25+ years.

In the mid 90s I was “that Mac girl”, making iron-on t-shirts that read, “You can take my Mac, when you peel my cold dead hands off the mouse”… if I ever find a photo, I’ll blog it.



Hi From the Symphony

See that thing behind me? Know how much math is in there? So cool.

What wasn’t so cool was… what happened to dressing up for the symphony? I saw socks in sandals, beige adventure pants and tshirts. Maybe I’m behind the times.

Know what happened though? Not sure if you know this, but I’m the CEO of “The Perfect Timing Club”.

Okay so: my cab pulled up, I walked through the door as they were closing them, up the two flights, the attendants are hushing, “swiftly now”… down the stairs to my seat centre row first balcony* and 5 SWEAR 5 seconds later the lights dim and they kick it off.  One of my better entrances in a while.

It all evened out later, as it always does with me; look:

“Stay ups” whatEVER, and I had to keep yanking them.

Tchaikovsky is my favourite guy, and think about going too.  Leave at intermission if that’s enough… but hearing classical that loud is good for your brain maybe.

* that’s where the best acoustics are, from a good source.  And here’s where to sit in Massey Hall, too.