I knew it was coming, and it was just as sad as if I didn’t.
I’ve had a Mac since I was 7, a Apple Macintosh, and I’ve looked up to him since then.
I wrote school reports about him in elementary school, and I always liked how he was exacting, tough and true to his imagination.
Look what came out of his imagination….. GUI / the mouse / iPod….. omg just to even list all of them is a daunting task, imagine dreaming it up and making it happen?
Can you imagine life without Apple? Exactly.
Gawker has some good retrospectives here, here and here.
(a PowerBook 170 circa 1991)
You can still send him good wishes, I’m pretty sure most of the world’s belief systems agree that you don’t just zoom out of your body onto the next, it takes time. So follow the instructions in the below video.
There are no Steve Jobs, I’ll always love you RIP.
Love Nuit Blanche: 24 hours downtown Toronto is covered in crazy art and everyone walks around wide-eyed and happy.
Here’s the Canadian Explorer episode, Exploring Nuit Blanche, filmed in 2009. Twitter was new back then, and Mayor Miller and I were on that early train. That’s him direct messaging me there at the end, neat eh.
Exploring Nuit Blanche from KeriCDN on Vimeo.
Have a great time out there tonight, if you see me yell hi!
Note my new YouTube channel: OtherKeriBlog It’s for straight-to-the-webcam videos, KeriBlog is now for my produced and edited masterpieces.
I’m moving! Check out my trunk, aaaamazing.
It’s a King Kong one, fits in the back of a cab, I tested it out.
I fit inside it.
I am REALLY EXCITED about the fall… can you feel it in the air too? Dream big and go for it, from now till Christmas the planets are all aligned.
TTYT oh or wait, see ya at the JD Honey party tonight!
xo Keri