Love you.
xo Keri
Because one power surge and the laptop / phone is fried. Plus we never back up as often as we should.
On car press launches we’d end up in some neat places that were old. And I’d watch fellow auto journalists plug their laptops into these 1960s outlets like, oh boy… Imagine having to make that call, “I’ll be missing the deadline because guess what…”
Blog tag = Physical Security (8)
And I can’t post “I’m travelling, sorry in advance the blog is on pause,” because might as well be, “the world’s cutest house is sitting empty.”
Still after all these years haven’t figured out a good solution, and always end up with an apology post like this :( I am sorry for real though.
Didn’t turn on my laptop once the entire trip… this job, it’s not like that.
It was an amazing trip!
And several excellent outfits.
Above bottom left: 1 pair of 3″ boots for the entire 2 weeks ha.
My head feels heavy it’s so stuffed with information, it was 2 weeks of training, to get a real taste for what’s this job I just signed up for, and OMG really? Guys I won the job lottery.
A job can actually be this fun, plus profitable and ethical?… basically I go around keeping cars cosmetically beautiful… the new car smells has not left my life… automotive industry people are so fun #AutoForLife… one guy even arranged for me to do a fake cold call on a dealership!
“Hi hi I’m Keri, let’s talk about dents. And we do beautiful wheels, too.”
Every day was different, intense and awesome. Seems sales is an early start (to which I’m still adjusting) then it’s go go GO full throttle, then full stop at 5pm.
A couple times by the day’s end I was so wide-eyed and keyed-up I’d have to go wander around Walgreens to decompress.
The States is invigorating eh, there’s this buzz in the air that’s not as prevalent in Canada.
Returned home Friday night amazingly over-stimulated, a puddle-version of myself.
Spent the weekend doing nothing with my brain… manual labour around the house, a night with a neighbour yell-laughing too loudly too late, a Super Bowl party, and jogging pants.
And arranged This Week’s Flowers.
Almost back to myself.
I have some equally action packed weeks ahead, but then as I settle into the routine of this job, a system for better blog updating will happen too. Leave it with me guys, on it.
Until then, check out these badges – Canadian dealers – you want these.
Instead of a terribly tacky plastic licence plate brackets, one of these; way more likely to be left affixed.
xo Keri