I dislike all horror stuff, no way I’d watch a horror movie; too protective of my imagination for that.
The people watching tonight however, is always entertaining.
I blogged back in ’09 Why I Remember, and nothing’s changed.
What’s most important about today:
Please take pause and appreciate, and not just this one day a year.
Thanks to them we live in maybe the world’s most peaceful country, lucky us.
Kicked off the weekend Friday night with a beer up on high.
Look at the guy in blue behind me, ha.
Now look down.
I love the holidays in town, you have the city all to yourself.
Switched cars again, look for an orange blur around TO this week.
It’s easy to drive, the Focus. This is the one that parks itself, too. All. By. Itself. Watch my video of that here.
I put a few hundred kilometres on Sunday driving to Pelham, Ontario to cheer on my cycling team, who performed great, go team!
I took a break from the internet all weekend.
Can you leave your phone alone, or one further, at home when you go out? If you can’t, that’s not good.
I cleaned a lot this weekend. I do every year around this time.
Ahhhh better. I was surprised when the floor turned out to be white.
Like my snow tires ottomans? Driver at Heart.
Spring cleaning done, and this is a very happy me.
I can’t concentrate when things aren’t in order. I’m completely moved in now.
Girls night!
Lots of long city walks.
That’s Yonge and Wellsley.
I saw $3 million in cars go by in as many minutes.
A guy tapped me on the shoulder yesterday, “hi, I’ve been following you for several blocks, you have a really great walk, and I had to tell you”.
You must’ve been tired of seeing me always in black, I know I was tired of blogging the photos. But one suitcase for four months means everything must match, which means everything black.
I unpacked all my clothes that had been in storage since last fall. Colour ahoy.