Watching motorsports is dull. Even when you know someone to root for, meh. The start and finish of the first race are okay, then nah.
Racing is only interesting when
you’re behind the wheel.
So spent Sunday on this instead.
Started pining for an ATV this summer, and this is a nice one.
And now that I own land, it’s possible.
I’m coming across a field at 40 kmh, am 300 m from homebase, when from that distance I see all the guys eyes widen simultaneously, and I instantly know, “oh no, I’ve forgotten about that second rut in the field”.
I look down, ah I’m starting descent into it, throttle throoooottle, and when I hit the water in the rut’s bottom it’s a massive 360º splash, so dramatic, think “what a missed blog photo”, bounce out keep going kk that was cutting it fine.