I’m Part of the 0.0002%

I kept my last name off the internet for 5 years.

This is my Google+ account – KeriBlog.

It’s been suspended since I got it;
they don’t like my last name, “Blog”.

So I wrote to them saying noooo.

Hours later Google replied I was right.

Now here’s the interesting part.

There is very little information online to guide you, because this issue is so rare.

This article from TechCrunch sums it up:

0.1% of 50 million users submit name appeals,

20% of that is like me.

Let’s do the math on that…


I’m part of the 0.0002% or 1 / 10,000

It’s not without issue though… because of this rarity, I end up with problems that are not documented and likely few have.

For example: my Picasa photo uploader stopped working for no reason two weeks ago. Which I almost had a meltdown over; that’s like a carpenter’s hammer vanishing. The worst part is there’s nothing I can do about it.

Being a spy is a lot of extra ugh.

Regardless of everything though, ha!

Because if Google says it’s true,
it’s true, right?



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