I Invented Someone, Meet SmashCan Jimmy

He works for Smarten Up, Internet.

He’s ready for action, has all the major accounts:

I even got him into the newspaper last week, click here, right column, first paragraph:

“… until the eye comes to rest on “SmashCan Jimmy’s Dealership of Amazingness” stamped in now-faded gold lettering…”

Now he owns a car dealership.  I should update his bio.

We chuckled when Google couldn’t find his face. Like how I keep anthropomorphizing him?

The purpose of SmashCan Jimmy: I send him out

to click on scams, visit sketchy streaming sites hosted overseas,

enter contests with his work email,

his password will be password, he’s the worst.

He’ll be wide open and vulnerable to attack, get attacked, then we’ll see what happens.

(note: all the above will happen only on my old white laptop, never my work computer, never would I do this with my personal accounts and name. Be careful where you click out there).


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