An Old Favourite Canadian Explorer Episode

I wrote about suit jackets this week.  It made me remember a video.  So I dug it up, it made me laugh, here it is.

Ep. 27/80 – Exploring the Oldest Baseball Field in the World 

London, Ontario – It’s now called ‘Labatt Park‘, but was for the longest time, ‘Tecumseh Park’. Operating since 1877, that’s 132 years.  It has 5,200 seats, it’s a real grass field, and that’s another ‘Best in the World’ for Canada.

Original post June 2009

3 years ago, wow.  Have’t changed much; this post is filed  in 2/3 of my main blog categories (cars & security).  I still wear those jeans while exploring stuff.

The suit jacket comment is like, Social Engineering 101.



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