About those Pink Insurance Slips

(read it online here)

Favourite line:

Here’s the most important part: your pink slip must be the original.  It cannot be a photocopy.  So go ahead and leave it in your car; it’s of zero value to anyone other than you.

That photocopy fact is straight from the MoT, I went and asked.

Love the ending to this column.

While researching, I discovered something:

Ask me in real life I’ll tell you. It’s nothing super-secret, actually, it’s kind of amazingly obvious.

Lastly, HAHA my personal pink slip was printed in the paper. Security is relative.

For the first time, I don’t have a physical copy of this week’s column.  It’s been affecting me all day, my fridge collection was perfect.

If you see it this week, can you please rip it out and mail it to me.

Not sure what happened… our Auto section always runs on Wednesdays, but today it was just one page that’s it.  This was the top of the page, that’s my Civic review top right, but it printed weeks ago.  It was a confusing day.


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