Blogging for the Record

The “Haven’t Missed a Day Yet this Year” record. Feels good to type that. But also, thats my way of saying, “this will be a weak daily blog update not the proper full page refresh”. Guys please wish for me an assistant.

Today was action packed. Fridays are always stupid busy with 2 newspaper deadlines (news = A new Auto Alliance for Cyber Security), then I was the surprise guest at the Nissan Annual Employee Meeting, my Targa team and I.

That’s the most people I ever spoke in front of (300-ish, said a couple of lines about loving competing, and that a stock Micra performed surprisingly amazing, hope you guys feel proud you built a great car.)

Then a last team dinner, and I’ve finally arrived home, to 25lbs of newly hemmed curtains in my lobby!, plus a couple Corona, so that’s tonight’s agenda and that’s me complete for this mega week, TTY Monday, enjoy the warm weather and sun!

The Nissan Micra Cup Race officially kicked off at today’s meeting, introducing Canada’s best-priced racing series, the Micra Cup.

Tell ya about it in another post, short answer why I like it is: all entry cars are the same, therefore the playing field and game is evened out.

Hi Nissan guys, nice to meet you today, took your photo! :) I blogged every day from Targa, here’s my adventure: #TeamNissanMicra

Reunited for a second ahhh; gave it a loving pat.

Snuck away for some silent time as always.

This post came from my new coffee table, on a rug, on a clean floor, guys seriously GUYS. Operation winterize-a-cottage-into-a-house is thisclose to being done.

Blog tag = New House